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Are you there God? It’s me, 2023

Vidlet is excited to see the trailer release for Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret since we enjoyed the opportunity to conduct customer-focused research for the movie two years ago. The insights were clear: women who grew up with Judy Blume love the nostalgia of "Are You There God" but also want the movie to be contemporary for today's audience, especially when it comes to diversity and representation in casting.

A nostalgia piece based on a book from the 70s easily invites criticism for not being appropriate or relevant in 2023. Luckily, we no longer tell teenage girls that 'they must, they must, they must increase their bust,' and this is definitely not the Euphoria of modern teen life. Yet, no matter the era, tween/teen anxiety and identity questions are still present and always relatable.

So when it comes to the voice of the customer, we need to listen – whether in developing new products, digital solutions, or bringing a beloved classic to the big screen.

A collage of boards created by some of our research participants depicting what they want the movie to be like, and it’s clear: nostalgia wins.

With that in mind, we will enjoy the movie and hope you all do the same.

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